Tips to keep your pets safe and comfortable during the winter!
- Never leave your dog alone in a car during cold weather. In the winter, a car is just like a refrigerator, trapping the cold air inside and can cause him to freeze to death.
- When your dog comes inside after being outdoors, wipe off his paws, legs and abdomen thoroughly. You may notice his paw pads bleeding from a coating of snow or ice. Booties can help protect against this condition.
- Dogs who are left outside for too long can suffer from hypothermia and frostbite. Extremities, like ear tips, paws and the end of the tail are particularly susceptible to cold injuries.

- During the winter, outdoor cats sometimes sleep under car hoods for warmth. Before starting your car, bang loudly on the hood and wait a few seconds to give the cat a chance to escape.
- If your cat goes outdoors during the colder months, make sure he or she is acclimated and doesn’t stay out too long, especially when the temperatures are below freezing.
- Cats love curling up in a warm place for a nap. Prevent potential burns and fires by protecting your cat from open fireplaces, wood stoves and space heaters. Warm engines are also a favorite place for outdoor cats, so honk the horn or bang on the hood before starting your car.

Everyone here at Auto Craftsmen LOVES their animal family members,
We know that a lot of dogs and cats are still waiting for their forever homes, and are grateful that there are places like CVHS that give’s these animals love, attention and help them find the perfect person to adopt them.
The CVHS is a non-profit organization and depends on the generosity of their supporters.