Posted on 12/30/2016

Help us support the Montpelier Food Pantry!Donate at least 5 non-perishable foods for the Montpelier Food Pantry and receive: 1. FREE Brake Inspection ( $47.00 value) 2. If we end up doing brake work on your vehicle, we will install FREE Premium Brake Pads &/or Shoes (if needed) as part of a complete brake job. Is the Brake Repair going to be absolutely Free? Of course not - BUT - this is the Best Deal you will get anywhere! #1) Save $47.00 for a Brake Inspection #2) You get Free Brake Pads &/or shoes #3) You help the Montpelier Food Pantry. Why not totally free? No Cost Jobs would require us to use cheap parts and to do what we call in the industry a “pad slap” = throw on cheap pads as quickly as possible and not look at the rotors, calipers ... read more